We chose the red… Magenta, Ruby, Purple, scarlet, vermilion, garnet, carmine, Grand Cru! Red suggests energy, nobility, alertness, emotion… Feelings that are an integral part of our lives.
If we speak of red, there can be no far from the lip-cut, the wine and its biotope cannot escape our objectives. Sensitive to the various expressions of wine through our senses, the color seems to us the most appropriate, for us image men, to the presentation of our sensibility where the perceived color is fundamental and conducive to the imaginary.
One morning in March, we met Chateau Angelus. We knew right away that it was him. Touched, moved by this love at first sight, we asked for carte blanche and got it…
You do not tame the color, you try to capture it, to restore it. We observe it, admire it, it transports us. Has not hushed we approached to capture the richness of his reds playing with different lights, even violent, in the soft glow of a single candle, to unveil, perhaps, hitherto unsuspected colours. As a magician, the wine offered itself to our unbelieving eyes, its hue, its multiple and deep gradients, its sumptuous shades seemed to want to tell us about its history.
Starting this work we already had in mind soft and voluptuous images of persistent colors, shiny or dark, pastel or vivid, with their dazzling transparencies, their disturbing promises and-almost!-intoxicating.
Look for the design: a conceptual and visual approach sometimes close to abstraction, we deliberately directed our glances in the intimacy of the surfaces and the depth of the volumes, from the moment when the colors are played by us with the complicity of Materials and light.
By simple touches, here we are discovering the infinitely colorful, unveiled in the open, in high definition.