Probably because in a parallel professional life we sail a lot, to follow and to pursue yachts of all sizes we do not know (nor desire) escape this kind of romance, emotion to see the boats take their flight: a sailboat Lodging and accelerating under the effect of a gust of Mistral, a motorboat fun to defy the height of the waves or musarder in idyllic moorings. It is by the sense of freedom that they suggest that sailboats and motor boats bluff us with their permanent invitation to go further, to liberate us from our constraints and our own borders.
In another life, we would like to be boats…
Not long ago, we were able to photograph three castles, in winter when the Angels took-discreetly-on their part while the barrels let themselves be made, quiet, sleepy but benevolent… A white card that gave birth to a beautiful exhibition in the gallery of the St. James, already! As well as to beautiful collaborations…
With our innocence of newcomers on this side of the earth we made a fabulous discovery. Magical for boat photographers! Free, as we embrace the sea we have cherished the vines. As we discover new countries beyond the horizon, we have met local men who are both humble and ambitious.
In another life, we would like to be castles…
The cakes! A childhood name to evoke desserts. At their sight, one can only preserve his child’s gaze, his unbelief, his excitement, his exaltation even…
To evoke them, our imagination comes to a boil, waves of saliva invade us, make us swallowing just before the moment-this moment too short-where we will be able, finally! Give free course to our gluttony, let us overwhelm by the happiness of each of the five senses which only the view is the one we can try to transmit here…
In our next life, we’ll be cakes!