There is no shadow without light.
But what would light be without shadow?
A space void of all matter?
So the shadow would reflect the form of a matter on another matter – a sort of in-between – With the help of the light. The strength of the shadow would therefore be due to both the light and the matter it reflects as well as to the matter on which it rests. Lights, shadows and matters, intertwined and self-generating, would give body to the colour. To the colours. Subtle surprise.
The shadows reveal and highlight all their riches. Providing the required depth, they give the light its meaning. Therefore make sense. Gorgeous surprise.
Shadows are sensual insofar as they move, change during the day, never the same, they quiver slowly, lengthen and shorten with the passing of time. The shadows can make us emotional as long as we look at them with an open and caring mind. While we glorify light, shadow in our culture remains surprisingly at best the poor relative of light, at worst the scene of our depravation. Would the shadows conceal all our faults, our errors, our guilt? We must redeem the shadows.
This very personal work on shadows and their lights took place in August 2006, somewhere in Spain. Strangely enough, the original idea was a research about heat. But, from image to image, it soon became evident that heat could not be represented without light nor shadow. Matter without light, therefore without shadow, is inert, indiscernible. In a void. It becomes difficult, with hindsight, to work out whether a picture registers its visual power to our eyes from its light or its shadows, the boundary between the two being so often difficult to identify. Hence those pictures, are seen and interpreted according to one’s mood and their impact on our mind, filtered by our subconscious, as if emanating in turn from the light, the shadow or the heat. And from the matter!
The pictures presented here are a pure photographic interpretation, gleaned generally from the game played by lights, shadows and matters. Without computer trickery or magic.
One finds that, in spite of the systematic absence of matter generating the shadow, the latter plays its role and allows us freedom to imagine where the contours might have been. Simple pleasure of their discovery, they reflect instantly the endless, therefore incomplete journey – into this amazing alchemy formed by lights, shadows and matters.
Cabo de la Nao – Août 2006